Dress Code
Guidelines: Preserving a beneficial learning environment and assuring safety and well-being of all students are primary concerns of the school district and staff. Quincy Innovation Academy students are expected to come to school in attire that demonstrates that they are READY, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL.
Responsibilities: Parents have responsibility for seeing that students are appropriately dressed for school. As such, student choices in matter of dress code should be made in consultation with their parents and be consistent with the Quincy Way – Ready, Responsible, and Respectful. School personnel have a responsibility for maintaining and enforcing an appropriate dress code that is conductive to learning. School administration is the final authority in determining the appropriateness of dress.
Be Ready
- Wear clothing that is suitable for all classroom activities
- Always wear appropriate footwear
Be Responsible
- Wear clothing and accessories that are completely free from advertising, displays, or suggestions of drugs, alcohol, sex, profanity, discrimination, or violence
- Wear clothing that is free of gang association
Be Respectful
- Wear clothing that keeps private areas fully covered
Consequences: If unable to resolve the dress code violation in the classroom, students will be sent to the office a parent/guardian will be contacted to have clothing brought to them.